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  • ※3. 阿闍梨とは、特別な修行を完成した僧侶のこと。インドのサンスクリット語のācārya(アーチャールヤ)の音写。
  • ※4. 別当寺とは、神仏習合の信仰が保たれていた江戸時代以前に、神社を管理するために置かれた寺のこと。神前読経など神社の祭祀(さいし)を仏式で行い、その主催者を別当と呼んだことから、別当の居る寺を別当寺といった。


About this temple.

The name of this temple is Umijirisan-“Iouin“-Yakushiji. This temple is under the japanese buddhist sect, Tendai-shu and the head temple of the Tendai buddhist sect, Hieizan Enryaku-ji temple. Iouin-temple was constructed in 1698 as a branch temple of Shinano-Jinko-ji temple by Ācarya Shokai-shonin.

Shinano-Jinko-ji was a historical and important temple in this area. It is said that Jikaku-Daishi, Ennin(794 – 864) built this temple in 826. He is one of the famous priests in Japan and the third leader of the Tendai sect at Enryakuji. In this temple there was the syncretism of Shintoism, which is the ethnic religion of the people of Japan like the animism, and Buddhism performed before the Meiji period and It flourished even further during the period of the Edo Period.

In the beginning of the Meiji Period, the New Meiji Government issued the Ordinance Distinguishing Shinto and Buddhism. By this stupid behavior, a lot of traditional and beautiful temples were destroyed. In addition to this situation, Shinano-Jinko-ji temple had unfortunate accidents, a natural disaster, fire and so on. The principal deity, Yakushi-nyorai, and historical books were transfered to Iouin-temple. Namely, Iouin-temple took over the historical status of Shinano-Jinko-ji temple.

About the Tendai buddhist sect.

The Tendai buddhist sect is one of the Mahayana buddhism sects in Japan. It is often said that Tendai is the most traditional and important sect in Japanese buddhist history. It is well known that there are seven traditional buddhist sects in Japan. Namely, Tendai-shu sect, Shingon-shu sect, Jyodo-shu sect, Jyodoshin-shu sect, Rinzai-shu sect, Soto-shu sect, Nichiren-shu sect. Needless to say, there are also new and huge religious schools in Japan as you might have heard before but these sects aren’t traditional. Among all, Tendai sect holds a special position in the traditional buddhist sects.

About Hieizan-Enryaku-ji temple

The head temple of the Tendai buddhist sect is Hieizan Enryaku-ji temple. Hieizan, literally Mount Hiei is a mountain to the northeast of Kyoto prefecture. Enryaku-ji temple was constructed on the top of Mount Hiei in 788 by Saichō who is the founder of the Tendai sect. Hieizan Enryaku-ji is called “the Mother Mountain of japanese buddhism”. Because Most traditional buddhist founders studied at Hieizan Enryaku-ji temple before starting their own practices. Namely, Jyodo-shu sect’s founder Honen, Jyodosin-shu sect’s founder Shinran, Rinzai-shu’s founder Eisai, Soto-shu’s founder Dogen, Nichiren-shu’s founder Nichiren had stayed and studeid at Hieizan Enryakuji-temple. they were educated at Hieizan Enryaku-ji and by the Tendai sect. So, Hieizan Enryaku-ji and the Tendai sect are considered to possess a special position as “Mother of Japanese buddhism”.









About Shinano-Jinko-ji temple.

It is said that Fujishimasan-Shojyoin-Jinko-ji temple(Shinano-Jinko-ji temple) was constructed by Jikaku-Daishi Ennin in 826. When the divinities of Shinto and the deities of Buddhism are combined, it is called a syncretism of Shinto and Buddhism. There was thIs form of worship at Jinko-ji temple for a long time.

A one of the most famous commander of samurai army, Shingen TAKEDA(1521-1573) became a believer and denoted a lot of money and horses to pray for victory. Jinko-ji temple also had five branch temples, including Iouin temple. Namely Jinko-ji temple was a center of faith in this area.

However there were some unfortunate accidents by a natural disaster. In addition to this, in the beginning of the Meiji Period, the New Meiji Government ordered the distinguishing Shinto and Buddhism. It was the practical oppression of buddhism. The main building of Jinko-ji and some buildings couldn’t be reconstructed. A three-storied pagoda which was built by a highly skilled craftsperson, Kobayashi GENZO transferred to the other temple. We can see the beautiful form of this pagoda at Teisho-ji temple in Saku city.

The chief Priest of Jinko-ji temple, Koshun was persuaded to give up a buddhist and was changed a Shinto priest. Because five branch temples of Jinko-ji temple disappeared without Iouin temple, the principal deity, Yakushi-nyorai, and historical books were transfered to Iouin-temple. There are nothing at the site of Jinko-ji temple, we can see only foundation stones and graves of past chief priests now.

The chief priest of Iouin temple, firm believers and a descendant of Koshun built the building of Kannon to console the souls of past chief priests of Jinko-ji temple in 2000.







  • ※1. 慧日山修学院津金寺のホームページはこちらになります。
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About Enichi-zan Shugakuin Tsugane-ji temple.

Because Shinano-Jinko-ji temple disappeared, Iouin temple had been managed by priests of “Enichi-zan Shugakuin Tsugane-ji temple” for a long time. Tsugane-ji temple has been closely related to Iouin temple till now.

“Enichi-zan Shugakuin Tsugane-ji temple” is counted among the five great temples of the Tendai-shu sect in Nagano Prefecture. It is said that Tsugane-ji temple was built by Gyoki-boddhisattva in 702. Dengyo-Daishi Saicho(767-822) who was a founder of the Tendai sect visited this temple and dedicated his single-pronged vajra, which was used in esoteric Buddhist rituals, to this temple and his successor, Jikaku-Daishi Ennin(794 – 864)also visited to reconstruct this temple.

Tsugane-ji temple also was famous as one of the research institutes of buddhism and the oldest research temple as long as we confirm in Japan. “Tsugane-ji-Myomoku” having the name of this temple was the basic text of the tendai teachings for beginners. The context of this text was made clear and published through the cooperation of some Tendai scholars.


About Matsubara-Suwa-Jinjya shrine.

“Matsubara-Suwa-Jinjya” shrine is located in the western part of Iouin temple and composed of two shrines, which are called kamisha, and shimosha. This shrine has an important cultural property, Nozarashino-kane, which is a temple bell Shingen TAKEDA donated.



